
Mobile Game Modder and Developer

Who Is TheArmKing?

I develop programs, tools, mods and play games :D

About Me

I am a 19 year old university student. I usually spend my free time making new mods or scripts. I generally mod games on iOS, sometimes on Android. The scripts/tools I build are mostly related to it. I try my best to code or make things in as many languages and on as many platforms as possible. I love learning new things related to mobile game modding. (also why I am pursuing a degree in Computer Science)

What's with the name?

It's just a name I came up with randomly; 'Arm' is close to my real name and it (ARM) is also the System Architecture used on both iOS and Android (and more recently the 'M' series chips used by Apple for their Mac lineup)

Programming Languages

I work with various languages and I am fluent in some of these, but I know the basics for all!


I used Objective-C to create a Mod Menu Framework for iOS. I do use it often when making iOS Mods too!


I don't code in Assembly, but I do need to understand it when reverse engineering games or applications and I have learned quite a lot. As I mentioned the 'Arm' in my name is also a direct reference to the ARM Architecture. I specialize in ARM64/AArch64/ARMv8-A since iOS is 64 bit. I sometimes also use ARMv7 or THUMB on Android.


I often use C++ in combination with something else, like JNI on Android or Objective-C on iOS (Objective-C++) which makes iOS development much easier (for me). Heavy use of pointers is also needed for game mods :P
Sometimes, I may convert a script to C++ or Rust to make it faster, especially if a lot of arithmetic is involved.


I used to code bash scripts and tools on my Mac to streamline the process of updating game mods. I still use it for smaller scripts, or if I need to do a lot of filesystem operations.


Python is now my primary language for making scripts, and it is a lot faster than bash. I rewrote a lot of my old bash scripts in Python.


I have a ton of experience working with Node.js in making discord bots or automating web tasks with Playwright.


I was actively involved in Unity C# Development about 3 years ago. I made a small game for a school project, a Mod Menu Framework as well as android game mods using C#, but I stopped after Mono was discontinued by Unity. I rarely use it these days.


I created another mod menu framework, but this time in Java. However, it was never finished due to the the code being converted to smali (which is easily viewable and editable) when packaged as an Android app. Modifying the project to use JNI would have been a monumental task. I did use Java to make some apps for Android, and a project in high school and university.


Not a programming language. I am taking this space to mention the person who helped design this website.

Apps, Projects and Tools

Everything open is available on my GitHub. I don't upload much there as I usually keep my projects private for internal use within Platinmods. But here are a few examples of what I have made:

- A 2D game in Unity C# (school project)
- A Java Swing App for a school project, and a couple of small apps on Android.
- A discord bot for managing updates (scraping PlayStore/AppStore)
- Functioning Mod Menus (Java/JNI Android, iOS Objective-C++, Unity C#)
- A wide range of scripts written in python, bash, C++ and Rust. (Automating updates, encrypting offsets, writing hex bytes to files etc.)


You can join my Discord server or check me out on various platforms!